The title is much more interesting than the actual subject.
I've been continuing to test the results of using a vibratory tumbler to remove rust and help refinish some parts. As a result I've learned a couple of things that I thought I'd pass along to anyone who stumbles across this post.
I've been continuing to test the results of using a vibratory tumbler to remove rust and help refinish some parts. As a result I've learned a couple of things that I thought I'd pass along to anyone who stumbles across this post.
The other lesson learned was, "be patient". It took a long time for those parts to build up that layer of rust and grunge and it's going to take a long time for it to come off. Sure, you can spend hours with sand paper or a wire wheel on your grinder (I've done both) to remove the grime but both of those methods require your time and attention. A tumbler can do it while you do something else. It's nice to think that something is getting done without you having to be an active participant. The power of multi-tasking finally realized.
I'm sure, as Vicky and I get to know each other better, we'll have new adventures. I can't wait to try polishing something with walnut shells. I started a series of pictures showing the parts I was polishing but with Vicky's attempt at flying and the malfunction of my kitchen timer (another story for another day) I didn't get any other shots. Sorry about that. I'll make it up some way on a future post.