There are several suppliers of spokes who can make me new ones, which won't match the old ones. And there are suppliers of sets of old spokes, which will match but I don't need 80 spokes (40/wheel) I only need about ... three.
I sent a couple e-mail messages to different suppliers of used parts top see if they had some old wheels they'd be willing to grab a few spokes from. I'm hoping one of them will have a miss-matched set that I can get a few spokes and nipples from.
In the mean time I'm going to try to get the rest of the rust off of the rims and get the hubs painted this weekend. I got the hubs stripped and they're ready to be primed and painted.
If the media blasting place I found is open this weekend I'm going to get the frame and some other parts to them for blasting so I can get the frame painted.
If I can get my fiance out of the house for a few hours I read a great trick to clean the rust out of the gas tank. All I need is an hour or two with the dryer when nobody is around and I think I'll be ready to seal up the inside of the tank. The process involves putting bbs or sheet metal screws in the tank, wrapping it with a blanket, stuffing it and a lot of towels into the dryer and letting it tumble for a while. We just got a new dryer so I may be heading to the laundromat. It might be cheaper than purchasing a new dryer.
I tumbled the spoke nipples for a couple of hours while I was in the garage doing some other things earlier this week and they're shiny and ready to go. Not exactly new looking but they'll match the rest of the bike that way. If I can't find replacement spokes I'm going to get new spokes and nipples anyway so they cleaning may have been in vain.
No new pictures this time. I've been trying to get the Husaberg through our stupid Arizona emissions test so I haven't been working on the cubbie. I don't think emissions testing is necessarily stupid but the bike isn't spouting blue smoke and burns about ten gallons of gas a year so how much is it fouling the planet anyway?! That's a very long story and I'm still frustrated by the process and my lack of progress so I'll leave it at that.
I took the long way home from work tonight and got COVERED by bugs. Watching the sun set on my way back into town was worth it though. A quick wipe with the Windex and the bugs were gone from the visor. The bike needed a wash before the ride anyway and the weekend is near so a wash is in its near future.
Long post mostly related to things NOT involving my Cub. I hope to be back at it this weekend so I'll try to get back on topic and back to posting more pictures.

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