I spent a couple of days finishing up my shopping. I always seem to leave a few things to the last minute. I guess that ensures I spend a little time at the mall with the masses just before the holiday. I spent time with my kids and family. That, to me, is what the holiday is for anyway.
I spent a but of quality time with the parts washer. I'm happy to say everything I wanted to put through the washer has been scrubbed, rinsed, and in some cases, scrubbed some more. Everything that needed to be washed has been washed, rinsed and dried. A few things were lubed to keep them from rusting up again.
I keep thinking about putting together a plan of attack but haven't managed to get very far. I created a spreadsheet to track the costs of the restoration and I even went so far as to create a tab in my spreadsheet for a plan. All that's left now is some actual planning. I'm afraid the spending part of the restoration is about to begin at the worst time of the year - just after the Christmas buying season. Oh well. That's how it goes.
Since I don't have much to report I may as well spend some time planning, instead of writing about not planning. I've got a few more days off next week and I want to make the most of them.